Valley Child » Community Programs » New + Expecting Parents

Being a new parent can be an overwhelming time in your life and it can be challenging to locate and navigate resources, as well as reliable information. We continue to compile the most current resources for new parents in our community.

New + Expecting Parents

Comox Valley Child Development Association

237 3rd Street Courtenay, BC V9N 1E1

CVCDA Inquiries and Information

250 338 4288

Do You Think You Might Be Pregnant?

Do a pregnancy test

I’m Pregnant And Need A Maternity Care Provider

In British Columbia, women have options available for who cares for them during their pregnancy. The BC Medical Service Plan (BC MSP) will cover the cost of your maternity care. In the Comox Valley, you can choose a family physician or a registered midwife as your maternity care provider. In some circumstances you may be referred to an obstetrician for your primary care.

Aboriginal Doula Support Program

This program is offered through the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres. The program provides funding for expectant Aboriginal families to access doula services for prenatal, birthing, and postpartum support.


A doula provides emotional, physical, and spiritual support for women and families during pregnancy and labour and after birth. In the Comox Valley, there is a website with contact information for local doulas (Comox Valley Doulas) or you can call 1-877-365-5588.


The applications are available at Wachiay Friendship Centre. You and the doula will each need to fill out a section of the form and then return it to Lisa at Wachiay, who will send it on to the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres for processing.

Get In Touch

Contact: Lisa
Phone: 250-338-7793, extension 261
Location: Wachiay Friendship Centre, 1625 McPhee Avenue, Courtenay (map)

Breastfeeding Drop-in

This is a drop-in group for moms to get breastfeeding support and information from public health nursing and lactation consultants.

Get In Touch

Contact: Public Health Nursing
Phone: 250-331-8520
Location: Comox Valley Health Unit, 961 England Avenue, Courtenay (map)

Car Seat Information

Are you overwhelmed by the number of car seat choices? Do you wonder if the most expensive car seat is the safest? Are you totally confused by the car seat installation process? You are not alone!

Vancouver Island Car Seat Techs are local child passenger safety advocates.To find a technician or to ask a question about buying, using or installing a seat, visit their website or Facebook page.

Healthlink BC Phone Line

Call 8-1-1 from anywhere in British Columbia to speak with the following health professionals:

  • Nurses

    • Can help with non-emergency health concerns

    • Available day or night

  • Dietitians

    • Can answer your healthy eating and nutrition questions

    • Available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

  • Exercise Professionals

    • Can answer your physical activity questions and offer advice

    • Available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

  • Pharmacists

    • Can answer your medication questions when your community pharmacist may be unavailable

    • Available from 5pm to 9am every night of the week

Get In Touch

Phone: 811 or 604-215-8110

Healthy Babies Prenatal Nutrition Program

This group is for pregnant women and new mothers with their babies (up to the age of 6 months) who are looking for extra support during pregnancy and with breastfeeding. Information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, personal wellness and newborn baby care.

There are guest speakers and a Public Health Nurse at each group. Other resources include:

  • sharing shelves

  • prenatal vitamins

  • emergency food hampers

  • individual and group support

Transportation is available and a healthy lunch is always provided. Drop-ins welcome!

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-871-7577
Location: Comox Valley Family Services Association, 1415 Cliffe Ave, Courtenay (map)

Island Health Baby Bed Program

The Baby Bed Program through Island Health is a FREE resource for families, giving access to a certified safe sleep surface for an infant (baby bed), and providing safe sleep information.

Beds are available to pregnant people in their third trimester, or to families with a new baby up to two months old, and can be picked up local Island Health Units. Access to baby beds also includes a meeting with a Public Health Nurse to review safe sleep information.

Get In Touch

Contact: Public Health
Phone: 250-331-8520
Location: Comox Valley Public Health Unit, 961 England Ave, Courtenay BC, V9N2N7 map


For mothers and babies, this group focuses on self-care, postpartum adjustment and life after baby.

Our goals:

  • to increase knowledge of parenting issues

  • to provide opportunities for socialization and community building in Cumberland

  • to reduce distress, isolation and depression

  • to increase the mental and social wellbeing of the whole family

We are an ages 0-5 program, and siblings of any age are welcome! Tea and snack provided. Program offered by Cumberland Community Schools Society

Get In Touch

This program is hosted by Cumberland Schools Society

Pacific Post Partum Support Society

Pacific Post Partum Support Society supports women and men who are struggling during pregnancy or after the birth or adoption of a child.

Some of these difficult adjustments may include:

  • crying for no apparent reason

  • numbness or feelings of helplessness

  • frightening or intrusive thoughts

  • depression ranging from sadness to suicidal thoughts

  • anxiety or panic attacks

  • anger and aggression

  • feelings of resentment toward the baby

The Pacific Post Partum Support Society is based in the Lower Mainland but supports parents throughout British Columbia by offering:

1.Telephone support: experienced postpartum counsellors offer telephone support, information and referrals five days a week. The toll free number is: 1-855-255-7999.

2. Information in print: information packages are available to individuals and professionals at no cost. There is also a Self-Help Guide published by the Society that is available for purchase.

Please note: women may seek support at any time from pregnancy until their child is 3 years old.

Get In Touch

Phone: 1-855-255-7999

Prenatal Classes

Prenatal classes are taught by childbirth educators and covers topics important to you during your pregnancy such as nutrition, lifestyle factors, community support and your hopes for your pregnancy and birth. You may want information about getting ready for your baby’s arrival including what to expect when feeding and caring for your new baby.

As classes can fill up quickly, it is important to register as soon as you can, even if you are early on in your pregnancy.

Registration is done through the Right From the Start program and can be completed online. If you would like to speak to someone about the program, please contact Public Health Nursing.

Get In Touch

Contact: Public Health Nursing
Phone: 250-331-8520
Location: Comox Valley Health Unit, 961 England Avenue, Courtenay (map)

The Pregnancy Hub

Are you overwhelmed by the number of car seat choices? Do you wonder if the most expensive car seat is the safest? Are you totally confused by the car seat installation process? You are not alone!

Vancouver Island Car Seat Techs are local child passenger safety advocates.To find a technician or to ask a question about buying, using or installing a seat, visit their website or Facebook page.

Get In Touch

Pregnant In The Comox Valley

The Comox Valley Division of Family Practise oversees this community specific resource tool for expectant parents in the Comox Valley. The website offers information about local supports and services for pregnancy and postpartum, including resources for:

  • Pregnancy: care provider options, prenatal education, diet and nutrition information.

  • Labour and Delivery: birth planning, giving birth at CVH, home birth options.

  • Loss: understanding and coping with miscarriage, bereavement supports.

  • Bringing Home Baby: breast feeding support, postpartum anxiety and depression support, childcare resources.

Get In Touch

Right From The Start

The Right from the Start program offers support for pregnant women and new mothers, their babies, children and families.

A public health nurse works in partnership with you and your care team, offering services that include:

  • free health and pregnancy information

  • education and support

  • referrals to community resources specific to your individual needs

For more information or to register online, visit the Island Health Right from the Start registration page. You can also contact Public Health Nursing to get more information about the program.

Get In Touch

Contact: Public Health Nursing
Phone: 250-331-8520
Location: Comox Valley Health Unit, 961 England Avenue, Courtenay (map)

Trousse Bébé Francophone

Bébé Francophone is a welcome package for parents for expecting parents or who have a child under 12 months old, and have French as one of the languages spoken in their home. The package contains lots of information, as well as some “goodies” (including a CD of French songs and a baby book in French). Some of the resources included are geared specifically to families where only one parent is a Francophone.

Get In Touch

Phone: 1-800-905-5056

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