Valley Child » Community Programs » Parenting Resources

Looking for parenting programs, services and support? Read on for a variety of resources for you and your young children.

Parenting Resources

Comox Valley Child Development Association

237 3rd Street Courtenay, BC V9N 1E1

CVCDA Inquiries and Information

250 338 4288

Community Action Program For Children (CAPC)

The Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) is designed to improve the health and well-being of children (from birth to age 6) and their families and promotes the healthy development of young children (0-6 years). 

 CAPC with Comox Valley Family Services Association:

  • Qualified staff facilitate a supportive learning environment where families can enjoy early learning activities for children, socialize with other parents and access community resources.  
  • Staff engages in activities with parents and children to model positive parenting and promote healthy parent/child interactions.  
  • Young children can develop social interaction skills and enjoy hands-on play activities. This program benefits from positive working partnerships with many local agencies.
  • Community partners help us to provide valuable information, resources and support to parents and program staff.

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-338-7575



Early Years Wellness Program

The Early Years Wellness Program helps families to encourage good mental health and wellness in their children. The program supports parent-child relationships while providing positive parenting tools.


  • Is between 0-6 years old

  • Has difficulty eating or sleeping

  • Avoids being held by, or playing with adults

  • Shows big feelings like extreme anger, frustration, or excitement

  • Takes a long time to calm down

  • Has difficulty following instructions


  • Work together to learn about secure attachment

  • Help strengthen the relationship between you and your child

  • Add to your parenting toolbox

  • Help you tackle everyday challenges

    be a part of your team with other service providers

The Early Years Wellness Program services are voluntary and free of charge.

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-338-4288

Location: Comox Valley Child Development Association

237 3rd St. Courtenay BC V9N 1E1

Fetal Alchohol Spectrum Disorder Key Worker Program

This program assists families with children age 0-19 to understand Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

What does a Key Worker do?

  • provide education and information to the child and family, specific to their needs

  • assist families in accessing support, health and education services in the community

  • provide emotional and practical support to families

  • build on each family’s strengths and empower them to become the best advocate for their child

  • support families who are going through the process of a formal assessment for their child

How does a family get referred to this program?

  • Parents may self-refer without an assessment or at any point during the assessment process.

Although based at the Wachiay Friendship Center, Aboriginal ancestry is not required for this program.

Get In Touch

Contact: Meranda
Phone: 250-8710803
Location: Wachiay Friendship Centre, 1625 McPhee Ave, Courtenay (map)

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group

This group offers support and information resources for grandparents raising grandchildren.

It is co-facilitated by the Child Development Association and the Comox Valley Transition Society but you don’t have to be involved with either of these agencies in order to attend.

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-338-4288
Location: Comox Valley Child Development Association (map)

Healthy Babies Prenatal Nutrition Program

This group is for pregnant women and new mothers with their babies (up to the age of 6 months) who are looking for extra support during pregnancy and with breastfeeding. Information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, personal wellness and newborn baby care.

There are guest speakers and a Public Health Nurse at each group. Other resources include:

  • sharing shelves

  • prenatal vitamins

  • emergency food hampers

  • individual and group support

Transportation is available and a healthy lunch is always provided. Drop-ins welcome!

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-871-7577
Location: Comox Valley Family Services Association, 1415 Cliffe Ave, Courtenay (map)

Cumberland Connections

Cumberland Connections is part of the Building Connections for Valley Families Project, which seeks to provide families with the time, space and opportunity to come together and connect for years to come. This initiative supports forming new friendships through a variety of early of early years programming, and collaborations with local families, organizations, and individuals committed to fostering positive environments for children and parents.

Get In Touch

Keep an eye on Valley Child Calendar, Facebook, and Instagram for information about Cumberland Connections activities and events!

Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program

The Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program  is designed for parents who might be in particularly stressful situations, such as being a single parent, having a low income or feeling isolated.

The program provides parents of children from birth to age 5 with:

  • A safe place to build on their parenting skills

  • An opportunity to learn new skills and concepts

  • A place to interact with other parents who have children the same age

In the Comox Valley, Nobody’s Perfect parenting groups are offered at various times throughout the year.

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-871-7575

Child Care Resource and Referral 

CVCDA Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) program (click here)

    • Very helpful if accessing child care for the first time and/or have questions about the child care subsidy process

    • Contact or call 250-338-4288

  • Government of BC’s Child Care Map (click here)

    • The map gives you location of centres, and if there are vacancies within the centre

    • Child care providers are responsible for updating their vacancies and other information

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-338-4288
Location: Child Development Association, 237 3rd Street, Courtenay (map)

Triple P Parenting

Triple P is a Positive Parenting Program that promotes good communication and strong relationships between parents and children.

The Comox Valley Transition Society coordinates the Triple P Program for the Comox Valley, working in cooperation with other community agencies including Public Health, Comox Valley Boys and Girls Club and the Salvation Army.

Get In Touch

Phone: 250-897-0511, extension 30

Young Parent Program

The young parent program supports education, childcare, social and health needs of expectant and parenting students in the Comox Valley.

This program is accessible to all families including those completing high school or college education, employed and/or families needing assistance through the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Get In Touch

Contact: Ainslie Patteson 
Phone: 250-338-8445
Location: Today n’ Tomorrow Learning Society, 4830 Headquarters Road (next to Vanier Secondary), Courtenay (map)

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